Arms of alliance of the Lanthieri and Thurn-Valsassina families in Zemono Manor
Location of the coat of arms: fresco
Seražin, Helena: Vile na Goriškem in Vipavskem od 16. do 18. stoletja. Ljubljana: Založba ZRC, 2006, pp. 88–89, 233.
Vipava, Zemono Manor
Dvorec Zemono, Zemono, Vipava, SlovenijaOther coats of arms of the Lanthieri family
Coat od arms of the Lanthieri family in Slap near Vipava
Slap pri Vipavi
Other coats of arms of the Thurn-Valsassina family
Coat of arms of the Thurn-Valsassina family in Dvor pri Polhovem Gradcu
Dvor pri Polhovem Gradcu
Coats of arms of the Counts Thurn-Valsassina in Ravne
Ravne na Koroškem