Coats of arms
Number of results: 439
Coat of arms of the Steinberg (Stainer) family in Ravne na Koroškem
Ravne na Koroškem
Coat of arms of the Conti-Camisano family in Slovenske konjice
Slovenske Konjice
Coat of arms of the Counts of Cilli in Slovenj Gradec
Slovenj Gradec
Coat of arms of the Wagensperg family in Šmartno pri Litiji
Šmartno pri Litiji
Coat of arms of the Schnitzenbaum family in Stari Trg ob Kolpi
Stari trg ob Kolpi
Coat of arms of the Werneck family in Videm
Videm (Dobrepolje)
Coat of arms of the Petazzi family in Naklo
Naklo pri Divači
Coat of arms of the Counts of Görz in Šmihel above Ozeljan
Šmihel nad Ozeljanom